What is a refillery & why is refilling important?

What is a refillery & why is refilling important?

Mar 25, 2024Julie Dorion
A refillery is a unique retail concept that plays a crucial role in reducing single-use plastic waste. It provides customers with the opportunity to reuse and refill their own containers with household and personal care products, thereby promoting sustainability and environmental consciousness.

Similar to bulk food stores that offer food in large bins, refilleries stock a wide range of products in bulk containers or jugs. However, instead of food, these refilleries focus on household and personal care items. From dish soap and laundry detergent to shampoo and conditioner, and even face and body care products like moisturizers and toners, refilleries offer a diverse selection of refillable products.

What sets refilleries apart is their commitment to the circular economy. Many refilleries go beyond simply offering bulk products and actively participate in a closed-loop packaging system. This means that the empty bulk containers are returned to the product manufacturers to be refilled again and again, creating a sustainable cycle of packaging reuse.

Closed-loop packaging is a key consideration when shopping at a refillery. It ensures that the refill product manufacturer takes back the bulk packaging and refills it at their own facility before sending it back to the refillery. This closed-loop system is a significant step towards achieving a circular economy, where resources are continually reused and waste is minimized.

District Refill proudly partners with Pure, a Canadian company that specializes in producing biodegradable household and body cleaning products. Pure exemplifies a closed-loop system, demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and responsible packaging practices.

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